Includes Benz Stylus Soft Bristle Brush!
The Mobile Fidelity LP #9 Stylus Cleaner combines a cleaner and preservative into one effective easy to use product! With this 0.5 ounce bottle, you get twice as much for the same price (than the leading cleaner). The LP #9 is the recommended fluid of several major cartridge manufacturers such as: Benz Micro, Transfiguration, Koetsu.
A dirty stylus gets between you and your music. The Mobile Fidelity LP #9, a revolutionary stylus cleaner and lubricant, is a simple, easy to use stylus cleaner which will improve your analog playback system. Providing smoother, grain-free sound and increased stylus life while reducing record wear. The LP #9 is both a stylus cleaner and a stylus preservative in one bottle. The fluid is only used sparingly, so this half ounce bottle will last a long, long time. Also included is a great, soft stylus cleaning brush.
You cant find a better cleaner/preservative at any price!
This 'brush-in-a-bottle' cleaner effectively removes crud on your stylus and is so easy to use that you'll get in the good habit of cleaning the stylus before playing each side.