The beautiful arrangements are vitalized by some well-known Stockfisch studio musicians. Among others: Chris Jones (guitars), Fiona Simpson and Roger Nicholls (backing vocals), Hans-Jörg Maucksch (fretless bass) as well as multi instrumentalists Siard de Jong and Beo Brockhausen.
"One of the reasons I write songs and play music is to try and bring more beauty into a world that needs more beauty." (David Roth)
"David Roth, a powerful new singer-songwriter has reached our hearts. With voices like his still singing, there's a certainty that the candle will remain lit, the hope reasserted and the dream still sung..." - Peter Yarrow (Peter, Paul & Mary)
"David writes and sings songs with a devastating combination of heartfelt wisdom and incisive wit. In my eyes he sets a new 'contemporary singer/songwriter' standard for the rest of us to aspire to, and it's a standard that is very, very high..." - Christine Lavin
David Roth - vocals, guitar
Chris Jones - guitars
Hans-Jörg Maucksch - fretless bass
Siard de Jong - mandolin, mandola, waldzither, electric sitar guitar, fiddle
Christian Struck - cor anglais
Fiona Simpson - backing vocals
Roger Nicholls - backing vocals
Beo Brockhausen - saxophones, tin whistle, low whistle, bagpipes, accordion, kantele, hurdy-gurdy, swarmandal, sitar, sarod, glockenspiel, udu, percussion
Chamber Choir of St.Sixti´s Church, Northeim

Total playing time, 65:53