Unless you've cleaned your records with The Disc Doctor's Miracle Record Cleaner and Brushes you've yet to enjoy all the music your records have to offer!
Every record, even if thought to be cleaned, is soiled with a wide range of dirts and contaminants, including mold and mildew. Vinyl discs are also coated with sticky mould-release compounds. Contaminants between the groove and diamond stylus or steel needle cause mistracking and are abrasive resulting in unnecessary, excessive wearing of both record and stylus. By interfering with proper groove tracing, dirty records produce inaccurate, noisy sound.
A safe, effective, one-time cleaning solution has now been developed. Hundreds of pressings have been cleaned to complete satisfaction. In no case could more contaminants be removed from a properly cleaned record...if cleaned using the suggested procedure and with The Disc Doctor's Miracle Record Cleaner and Brushes, one cleaning is all a disc will ever need. Just keep it free of dust, fingerprints, and other contaminants and it won't need to be cleaned again. Dry brushing with a carbon fiber brush for vinyl or velvet duster for shellac, acetate and Diamond Discs is all the maintenance necessary.
The solution comes extra-strength, with a recommended mix of two parts fluid to one part distilled water. Safe for use on LPs, 45s, Shellac & Plastic 78s, Edison Diamond Discs, Acetates and Lacquers.
1. CLEANING: Place record flat on work surface. Apply cleaner to a Disc Doctor Miracle Record Brush so that the fiber surface is almost saturated with fluid [for an LP-sized brush, 3/4 tsp. (3.75ml) for the initial wetting and approx. half as much for subsequent sides]. Lightly run the saturated brush around the disc to wet the entire surface. Avoid wetting the record label. Then firmly scrub 1/3 of the groove surface at a time with three back and forth sweeps. Apply enough pressure on the brush to ensure good contact without crushing the pad into the grooves. There should have been enough fluid in the brush to provide a small puddle in front of the moving brush. Move this puddle around as cleaning progresses. When cleaning is complete, remove most of the fluid by sweeping it up into the cleaning brush as it is lightly dragged around the disc surface. Remove residual fluid from the groove surface by cotton cloth or vacuum. Remove residual cleaner from the brush by gently squeegeeing the upper pile of the pad with the handle of a cleaned nylon toothbrush or your index finger, cleaned and degreased with a little cleaner. Never try to take the record to complete dryness by scrubbing with cloth, paper or dry vacuum strips.
2. RINSING: Saturate second Disc Doctor Miracle Record Brush with distilled water from clean container. Spread water around the disc and scrub as in Step 1. Avoid wetting the label. Remove residual rinse water from the grooves with a second cotton cloth or vacuum wand. Always remove excess water from labels by patting, not wiping. NOTE: The fine film of moisture which remains after the cleaner is removed is advantageous to the rinse step. The film of moisture remaining after the rinse step is thoroughly degreased and any lint (from the cotton cloth) remaining after the disc is completely dry, is readily removed with a clean carbon fiber brush.
3. DRYING: After cleaning the reverse side, allow the record to thoroughly air dry (10-15 min, depending on room humidity and air flow) before playing or sleeving.
4. POST CLEANING & REGULAR MAINTENANCE: When dry, apply a clean carbon fiber brush to vinyl surfaces or a Disc Doctor Miracle Record Dry Brush (for shellac, acetate & Edison Discs). Store in fresh sleeve. All recordings should be dry brushed BEFORE & AFTER regular use.
Recommended by Primyl Vinyl Exchange Newsletter, Positive Feedback, Listener Magazine, Audiophile Voice, Ultimate Audio, SoundStage!, The Absolute Sound and Stereophile magazine. Michael Fremer's recommendations can be found in the July, 2001 issue of Stereophile.
"I've been playing records for 50 years and cutting record masters for almost 40. I have an extensive record collection and love vinyl as much as I ever did. I have used other record cleaners, but The Disc Doctor's products are, in my opinion, without peer. I have noticed vast improvement even with records that looked relatively clean before cleaning. I clean every record now before playing. I can't put into words how much more involving it makes my record listening. Do yourself a favor and stop thinking about ordering this stuff and do it! You won't be disappointed." - Kevin Gray, Owner, Cohearent Audio, LLC
"I use the Disc Doctor's fluid & brushes...I like this fluid a lot...these are my favorite brushes." - Michael Fremer, Editor, musicangle.com & Senior Contributing Editor, Stereophile
"But pick as I might, I can't find any essential faults with the Disc Doctor approach to cleaning records - and while this sort of thing defies the assignment of stars & checks (so I won't), you can consider this a recommendation. The fluid in particular makes sense, as does the company's recommended approach to using it; I really like the fact that the pads are replaceable; none of this stuff strikes me as overpriced; and, like I said, it seems to work very well. ...you should give this a whirl." - Art Dudley, Editor, Listener Magazine Autumn, 1996
This half-gallon size cleans an estimated 300-325 records.