LAST Stylus Cleaner removes even the toughest deposits, preventing stylus and record groove damage. LAST Stylus Cleaner protects your records from abrasion damage caused by dirt that has adhered to the stylus tip.
LAST Stylus Cleaner Completely cleans the stylus while reducing noise and distorion and removing accumulated deposits and particles. Completely prevent record wear and increase stylus performance with the LAST Stylus Cleaner/Stylast Stylus Treatment Combo!
LAST Stylus Cleaner is safe for all cartridge assemblies.
LAST Stylast Stylus Treatment dramatically reduces the friction at the stylus/groove interface, extending stylus life up to 10 times! Treatment results in reduced distortion and improved sonic perfomance, increased stylus tracking ability and increased stylus suspension life! Stylast reduces record wear and leaves no residue. It is effective throughout the entire play of one side of an LP record.
Kit Includes:
0.25 Fluid Ounce Bottle Stylus Cleaner
0.25 Fluid Ounce Bottle Stylast Stylus Treatment