Equipped with grounding cord for even better static dissipation!
Dissipate static and wipe away harmful dust, lint and dirt with one simple stroke of the Acoustech Big Brush. Unlike some record brushes, this model fits across the entire radius of a 12-inch LP. Its bristles are made of a unique blend of soft natural hairs and conductive synthetic fibers that result in effective static dissipation. Packaged in a re-sealable pouch. For use on LPs, film, glass, plastics and negatives.
"Ever have one of those little carbon-fiber record-cleaning brushes slip out of your hand while you're dusting off an LP, and end up with one that's dust-free but now screatched? Acoustic Sounds figures you have, and recently began marketing AcousTech's The Big Record Brush, a large-handled brush of soft bristles, bothe natural hairs and conductive synthetic fibers. The 5.5"-wide bristle area easily spans the width of an LP's grooved area, and if you connect the included ground wire to the metal cover plate of a wall socket or the unpainted surface of the screw securing the cover plate, it does a pretty effective job of dissipating static electricity as well. As with a carbon-fiber brush, the lighter the touch of The Big Brush on the record surface, the more effective it is at removing dust. After a few revolutions, rotate it upward so only the brush's rear bristles touch the record surface, then draw it toward the outer edge of the record." - Michael Fremer, Stereophile Magazine, September 2008, Vol. 31, No. 9