It is a happy state of events to see two great masters unite in a glorious work and thus fulfil every wish of the thoughtful connoisseur. Beethoven has proved that he alone, among many composers, was certainly the one to comprehend the tender and at the same time powerful poem deep in his innermost soul: every tone which the poet struck resounded in his heart like a string tuned at the very same pitch and vibrating at the same rate, and so the music was created which now threads its way and binds all together like a brightly coloured ribbon woven from brilliant tones.
Such were E.T.A. Hoffmanns enthusiastic words about Beethovens Egmont: indeed very little else needs to be added; except that this recording has been newly pressed and is now available on the DECCA label once again. The chambermusic-like directness of the interpretation and the fact that the individual instrumental groups are easily identifiable will be appreciated by the perceptive listener. On top form, Pilar Lorengar sings her vocal part with playful lightness and dramatic expressivity. The speaking role is performed by the famous actor and member of the Burg Theater, Klaus-Jürgen Wussow, whose clear and dignified recitation throws a literary bridge to the music.
Selections: Complete Incidential Music to Goethes Egmont.