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Less Bling, More Zing.
Grado chose a powder-coated aluminum housing for these headphones because the added mass means smoother transitions from the lowest frequency range to the highest. You might also enjoy the authentic 60s style, which goes perfectly with skinny ties and sullen glances. The genuine top-grain leather padded head-strap is Brylcreem resistant.
"...I close my eyes, and suddenly the bells, the bows and drum sticks are in front of me, conveying more than sound, but ultimately their very existence through an aural archive of this sonic bliss." -Headphone Commute
The Top of the Range Prestige Series Headphone. The new SR325e has a new driver and cable design. The added mass from the metal housing minimizes transient distortions. With the new 8 conductor cable design you will notice superb control and stability of the upper and lower range of the frequency spectrum, with both supporting Grado's world renowned midrange. The SR325e will produce a sound that is pure Grado, with warm harmonic colors, rich full bodied vocals, excellent dynamics, and an ultra-smooth top end.
Vented diaphragm
Aluminum air chamber
UHPLC copper voice coil wire
UHPLC copper connecting cord
Transducer Type: Dynamic
Operating Principle: Open Air
Frequency Response: 18 - 24,000 hz
SPL 1mW: 99.8 dB
Normal Impedance: 32 ohms
Driver Matched dB: .05 dB
Included Accessories:
Grado story-sheet
6.5mm Golden Adapter
Reviews: (Note: reviews may refer to previous models)
"These headphones will treat you to a vivid sound that bristles with detail and dynamics...whether you like hard charging hip-hop or large-scale classical, these Grados will please. We recommend these highly!" -What Hi-Fi
"...the level of detail you can hear is superb, with fantastic extension in the treble...You'll notice the degree of insight these headphones offer into sounds both familiar and unfamiliar is really very impressive...If you're yet to be convinced of the virtues of true high-end headphones, these could do just the job. If you're already a believer, you owe it to yourself to hear these." -Richard Black, Hi-Fi Choice
"To these ears, the SR325's are the real thing for serious music listening. If you love music of all types, desire intimate associations with the subject (including cassette books and binaural recordings) and room silence is required or appreciated by persons around you, I feel the Grado SR 325's are an excellent choice and well worth an audition." -The AAS Journal: The Periodical of the Atlanta Audio Society Volume 14 - Issue No. 2
"...a pair of SR 325s will bring you closer to the musical truth at the heart of great performances." -Opera News