A decade of life with all its peaks and troughs in roughly one nanosecond. Quantum physics? Sorcery? Not quite: You can always count on a man Paul Stephenson! No, his new Album is NOT Light Green Ball its GIRL WITH A MIRROR.
We may wistfully revisit our youth but no-one can ever bring it back. Not even an artist can. Although he has an advantage there, because he can transform the vicissitudes of life, losses, disillusionment and the tidemarks of time into art. Even more is being asked of him because as an artist, he has no choice.
While Stephensons earlier works exude the excitement of somethings gonna happen, the sweet bird of youth is on the way to Santiago since then, life seems to have taken the artist on the long and rocky road. In the same way, GIRL WITH A MIRROR is darker; more composed, and more reflective but hope does not desert us. In music and lyrics, Stephenson transforms the undoubtedly more sombre aspects of life, loss, disappointment and disillusionment, into pure poetry, lights up the pastel blue of an Amsterdam sky, and the dark clouds are, ultimately, not the last word.
And, whats more: Paul Stephenson is accompanied in the true sense of the word supported by the outstanding musicians whose interaction is intimately interwoven in such a way that the whole is more than the sum of its parts, and the 15 songs of this album already give us a vivid impression of what Paul Stephenson sounds, and feels like, in concert and what its like to be there.
Girl With A Mirror: In the mirror of the mermaid-like beauty of the girl featured on the album cover we just read one word: Masterpiece.
Super Audio CD
SACD Stereo SACD Layer
This Hybrid SACD contains a 'Red Book' Stereo CD Layer which is playable on most conventional CD Players!
1. The Silver String
2. God's Upstairs
3. The Frozen Bird
4. Earthward Bound
5. Windmill Sails
6. Rainy Day Man
7. Back Where You Belong
8. I'm Not A Thing
9. To Be There
10. Now So Far
11. Girl With A Mirror
12. Playing Neptune
13. Only Everything
14. Eyes Will Be Open
15. Lost Out On Below
Total playing time, 57:48