The genesis of the new formula came as a result of a visit to High End Audio's self proclaimed Vinyl Guru Michael Fremer's Analog Laboratory. Mr. Fremer demonstrated a Furutech LP demagnetizer. After using the demagnetizer, vocals had so much more texture, bass definition and clarity of every nuance of the recording was vastly improved and there was more low level information than we had ever heard in the recording.
Why did the demagnetizer had the sonic effects on a record? Very simply the carbon black that is ADDED to vinyl for LP manufacture contains trace metals that become randomly magnetized and interfere electrically with the cartridge hanging overhead during play. So... if carbon black and the trace metals contained therein caused playback distortion in the cartridge then why not take out the carbon black altogether? Classic Records Clarity SV-P II Clear Vinyl is the answer!
Clarity Vinyl represents the ultimate in vinyl formulations because it is comprised of over 90% percentage of the highest quality co-polymer available - a key component in vinyl pellets used for manufacturing vinyl records. Further, Clarity Vinyl has no carbon black additive, common in vinyl formulas for LP's. Carbon Black contains trace metals that become magnetized and cause "electrical distortions" in cartridges during playback that smears the sound. By taking out the Carbon Black, Classic Records is able to dramatically reduce the "electrical distortions" and thus bring more "Clarity" to the playback process, providing a more realistic musical experience to the listener and LP enthusiast.
Shostakovich Symphony no. 5 was recorded on Oct 11th and 12th 1999 by the Elite Recording team of Marc Aubort and the late Joanna Nickrenz on behalf of Classic Records. This first in the series of "Classic Records Presents" features Pavel Kogan conducting his Moscow State Symphony Orchestra performing a piece of music they both know and well understand. The venue for the recording is the famous Congress House in Graz, Austria. The performance and the Elite recording are equally superb. Many argue that Russian Orchestral music is best performed by Russians and this performance lend credibility to that assertion.
The recording was mastered and cut by Bernie Grundman using Classic's ALL TUBE analog cutting system and pressed on our proprietary 200g Super Vinyl Profile for maximum fidelity and musical pleasure.
Quiex Clarity SV-P II Clear Vinyl
200g Vinyl
Moscow State Symphony Orchestra
Pavel Kogan, conductor
Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975)
Symphony No. 5, Opus 47