1. Reference Tone (Mono) L+R, with Audio Anarchist
2. Channel Identification
with the Audio Anarchist & Ralph the Christmas Dog
3. Channel Phasing
with the Audio Anarchist & Ralph the Christmas Dog
4. Pink Noise at -20dB L+R (Uncorrelated from 1:11)
5. "Why Hi-Fi Experts Disagree" (Microphone Comparison)
(Mono) J. Gordon Holt
6. E.E. Bagley: The National Emblem (Mono)
Nether providence High School Band
7. Theodore Dubois: Les Sept Paroles du Christ (excerpt)
Philadelphia Oratorio Choir
8. Maurice Ravel: Chanson hebraique (Absolute Polarity Test)
Sam Jones, tenor
9. Armas Jarnefelt: Praeludium
Delaware Symphony Orchestra
10. Frederic Chopin: Scherzo in B-Flat Op.31
Anna Maria Stanczyk, piano
11. Jerome Kern: "I'm Old Fashioned"
Bruce Dunlap, guitar
12. Bruce Dunlap: "Threedledum"
Bruce Dunlap, guitar & Dan Kolton, double bass
13. George Gershwin: "Summertime" (The Lesley Test)
Lesley Olsher, soprano
14. Robert Schumann: Romance, Op.94 No. 1
Gary Woodward, flute & Brooks Smith, piano
15. Robert Schumann: Romance, Op.94 No. 2
Gary Woodward, flute & Brooks Smith, piano
16. Robert Schumann: Romance, Op.94 No. 3
(128x-oversampling A/D)
Gary Woodward, flute & Brooks Smith, piano
17. Robert Schumann: Romance, Op.94 No. 3
(Sony PCM 1630 A/D)
Gary Woodward, flute & Brooks Smith, piano
18. Robert Schumann: Romance, Op.94 No. 3
(ADC Comparison)
Gary Woodward, flute & Brooks Smith, piano
19. J.S. Bach: Concerto in D, after Vivaldi, BWV596, Allegro
James Johnson, organ
20. 1kHz 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB
21. 200Hz 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB
22. 160Hz 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB
23. 125Hz 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB
24. 100Hz 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB
25. 80Hz 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB
26. 63Hz 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB
27. 50Hz 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB
28. 40Hz 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB
29. 31.5Hz 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB
30. 25Hz 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB
31. 20Hz 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB
Total Time: 70:54