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Hispavox of Spain was one of the first to treat the world to a rare musical experience: Chant by the singing monks of Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos. These Monks sang Gregorian chants set to music passed on through centuries of European manuscripts. David Foil wrote in 1994: "The music itself - made of a single melodic line, sung in unison and free of rhythm, soaring into space with a calm certainty that is magical - forms the foundation upon which we have built all of our Western traditions of song. The Monks discovered the miraculous chemistry of words and music. The pure expression of Gregorian Chant has never grown old. It never disappeared, and it still materializes to bathe the weary, worldly, unsuspecting soul in its blessing."The 19 tracks on Chant were recorded in different years at the same cloister. Mobile Fidelity released the awakening of this melodic and soothing music with noticeable sonic improvements. Some of the selections will let you experience the room ambience of the centuries old monastery like never before. As Chants 1,500 year-old music touches your soul, Mobile Fidelitys state of the art mastering touch will treat your ears.
1. Puer Natus Est Nobis
2. Os Iusti
3. Christus Factus Est Pro Nobis
4. Mandatum Novum Do Vobis
5. Media Vita in Morte Sumus
6. Alleluia, Beatus Vir Qui Suffert
7. Spiritus Domini
8. Improperium
9. Laetatus Sum
10. Kyrie XI, A
11. Puer Natus in Bethlehem
12. Jacta cogitatum tuum
13. Verbum Caro Factum Est
14. Genuit Puerpera Regem
15. Oculi Omnium
16. Ave, Mundi Spes, Maria
17. Kyrie, Fons Bonitatis
18. Veni Sancte Spiritus
19. Hosanna Filio David