The van den Hul Frog Gold MC Cartridge is a custom hand-built moving coil cartridge with the coil of a Grasshopper III and the front pole and suspension of the Grasshopper IV: the best cartridge available for its price! The Frog Gold has a 0.75 mV/channel output, matched crystal gold-wire coils and extra magnet modification.
"Overall the Frog Gold has recalibrated a number of my musical expectations. It’s easily my new favorite cartridge and I’m going to have to figure a way of getting one into my system permanently. Having lived with one there’s no going back. It would be too hard to give up its astonishing qualities. The musical insight alone is remarkable and worth the price of admission. If you are a music lover who has forgotten about the Van den Hul range as I had, do look afresh. The fact is I’m a bit unsettled by what I have been missing – and this isn’t even the top of the range. I’ll be exploring more of these extraordinary Van den Huls in the near future but for now I’m not looking for anything beyond digging deeper into the delights of this amazing contraption." - Edward Barker,
Output: 0.75mV
Stylus Shape: VDH 1S
Stylus Radii: 2 x 85 Micron
Frequency Range: 5-55,000 Hz
Tracking Force: 1.35-1.50 Grams
Anti-Skating Force: 0.4-0.6 Grams
Static Compliance: 35 Micron/mN
Tracking Ability: 70-80 Micron
Channel Unbalance: Less Than 0.3dB
Channel Separation: Greater Than 35/30dB
Stylus Tip Mass: 0.32 Milligram
System Weight: 8.2 Grams
Load Capacitance: Non Critical
Load Impedance: 500 (Greater Than 200) Ohm
Optimum Load Impedance: 20-200 Ohms
Effective Tonearm Mass: 6-10 Grams
MC Resistance: 16 Ohms