A portrait in music of a time and a place, from a conductor whose life and career in the new world had its roots in the old. With just the right combination of effervescence and nostalgia, this program of popular Viennese favorites recaptures a bygone flavor.
Super Audio CD
SACD 3.0 Multi-Channel SACD Layer
SACD Stereo SACD Layer
This Hybrid SACD contains a 'Red Book' Stereo CD Layer which is playable on most conventional CD Players!
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Fritz Reiner, conductor
Johann Strauss, Jr. (1825-1899)
1. Morning Papers, Op. 279
2. Emperor Waltz, Op. 437
3. On The Beautiful Blue Danube, Op. 314
Carl Maria Von Weber (1786-1826)
4. Invitation to the Dance, Op. 65
Josef Strauss (1827-1870)
5. Village Swallows, Op. 164
Richard Strauss (1864-1949)
6. Der Rosenkavalier: Waltzes
Johann Strauss, Jr.
7. Vienna Blood, Op. 354
8. Roses From The South, Op. 388
9. Treasure Waltz, Op. 418
10. Thunder and Lightning, Op. 324
Recorded in 1957 and 1960.